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Z5 Inventory Blog

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The Z5 Inventory blog is brought to you by the geniuses behind Z5 Count,Z5 Analytics and Z5 Optimization services, which saves hospitals money at every step of your inventory's lifecycle.
Find out how to solve healthcare's $5 Billion inventory waste problem today. Then get back to reading what we have for you from healthcare industry.


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Is The Healthcare Industry Recession-Proof? | Five To Save


Is your supply chain stable? Are healthcare providers immune to Betteridge's Law? These and other questions answered by this blog (and your common sense).

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Topics: supply chain management, amazon, five to save, disruption, survey data, hiring, healthcare inventory, supplier relationships, pandemic, medical supply chain jobs, inventory management, medical supply procurement, medical and surgical supplies, medical devices, healthcare industry salaries, supply chain industry salaries, benefits, healthcare professionals, supply chain visibility, savings goals, use cases

We're Not Skipping AHRMM Day: Test Drive Scanning with Z5's App


Whether you're heading to the annual conference of supply chain professionals or staying in the comfort of your usual workplace, we've got some cool things to share with you from Booth 212.

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Topics: trade shows, healthcare inventory, waste reduction, steward health care, awards, hospital logistics, education, healthcare supply chain, medical supply chain tracking software, webinar, inventory optimization, medical supply procurement, ahrmm, ahrmm22, healthcare professionals, finance professionals

Labor in Healthcare's Supply Chain: A Guide to Improving Your Circumstances


Working in healthcare is often threatening to the physical, mental, and financial health of its very workers.

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Topics: hiring, healthcare inventory, shortages, labor, coronavirus, covid-19, hospital logistics, medical supply chain jobs, inventory optimization, jobs, medical supply procurement, healthcare industry salaries, supply chain industry salaries, benefits, supply chain resiliency, supply chain innovation

How Healthcare Providers Set Themselves Up To Fail


So you tried to improve your healthcare supply chain. How did that go?

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Topics: inventory valuation, supply chain management, innovation, disruption, communication, healthcare inventory, lowering healthcare costs, healthcare data, hospital logistics, healthcare supply chain, inventory optimization, collaboration, medical supply procurement, loss and expiration avoidance, risk analysis, predictive analytics

Schrödinger's Catheter: How To Rebalance Healthcare's Supply Chain, Part 1


You don’t actually know what’s on your shelf until you take a look at it.

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Topics: selling medical inventory, supply chain management, disruption, healthcare inventory, buying medical supplies, hospital supply chain, ppe, hospital logistics, perpetual, medical supply procurement, consignment, schrödinger's cat, quantum mechanics, rebalancing inventory, warehouse management, periodic inventory, par inventory

Sustainable Healthcare Starts In The Supply Chain | Five To Save


It's the time of year when everybody is seeing green, so let's take a look at some recent news about how sustainable and efficient healthcare providers are (or aren't).

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Topics: selling medical inventory, reallocation, supply chain management, five to save, excess inventory, disruption, healthcare inventory, waste reduction, top 5 list, donating medical supplies, healthcare logistics, buying medical supplies, awards, coronavirus, covid-19, materials management, sustainability, medical supply procurement, loss and expiration avoidance, climate change, resilience, green initiatives

Words VS Actions: How To Make Promoting Women in Healthcare's Supply Chain a Priority


The day this blog is published is International Women's Day. It's actually okay if you didn't know that. It's not okay if you do nothing now that you do know.

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Topics: womens health, holidays, savings, improvements, survey data, employment, medical supply chain jobs, inventory management, diversity, healthcare workers, medical supply procurement, loss and expiration avoidance, healthcare industry salaries, dei, supply chain industry salaries, representation, employee retention

Whiplash In Policy And Procurement Wears Healthcare Pros Out | Five To Save


The news changing constantly isn't anything - if you'll pardon the phrase - new. But that's a big part of what's contributed to healthcare worker burnout in the last couple of years. How do we fight that?

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Topics: selling medical inventory, supply chain management, five to save, disruption, healthcare inventory, drug shortages, government, buying medical supplies, coronavirus, covid-19, pandemic, hospital logistics, medical supply chain tracking software, medical supply chain jobs, masks, medical supply procurement, loss and expiration avoidance, pharmacy inventory

You Can't Afford To Be Surprised By Supply Disruption Anymore | Five To Save


Short staffing. Short supply levels. Long transit times. If healthcare providers keep treating these issues as temporary, their consequences will only last longer and recur more frequently.

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Topics: selling medical inventory, inventory management software, disruption, natural disasters, supplier relationships, buying medical supplies, shipping, coronavirus, ppe, covid-19, hospital logistics, materials management, manufacturing, medical supply procurement, pharmacy inventory, hospital pharmacies

Without Resources, How Will Hospitals Survive As Businesses? | Five To Save


Healthcare providers can't continue to provide goods and services in exchange for money if there are no personnel to provide the services and no goods, period.

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Topics: reallocation, supply chain management, five to save, disruption, shortages, coronavirus, covid-19, sourcing, hospital logistics, vaccines, healthcare supply chain, demand modeling, medical supply procurement, human resources