Shortages. Stoppages. Service unavailability in your area. These are problems that Z5 doesn't face. See why in this guide to evaluating a reliable solution provider.
Continue ReadingService Outages: An Industry Problem That Z5 Has Never Experienced
Topics: physical inventory count, inventory valuation, reallocation, supply chain management, inventory management software, app, improvements, disruption, customer relationship, communication, healthcare inventory, apple app store, natural disasters, inventory optimization, collaboration, medical and surgical supplies, pharmacy inventory, google play store, customer service
Words VS Actions: How To Make Promoting Women in Healthcare's Supply Chain a Priority
The day this blog is published is International Women's Day. It's actually okay if you didn't know that. It's not okay if you do nothing now that you do know.
Continue ReadingTopics: womens health, holidays, savings, improvements, survey data, employment, medical supply chain jobs, inventory management, diversity, healthcare workers, medical supply procurement, loss and expiration avoidance, healthcare industry salaries, dei, supply chain industry salaries, representation, employee retention
Why Did You Start Working in Healthcare?
Topics: selling medical inventory, supply chain management, medical supply, improvements, digital supply management, survey data, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory
Five To Save | What Is The 'We Still Use Windows 7' Of Your Hospital?
Every hospital - heck, every workplace - has ways they'd like to bring themselves into the year 2020. But they all have excuses for why they haven't, too.
Continue ReadingTopics: selling medical inventory, reallocation, five to save, conferences, trade shows, improvements, digital supply management, healthcare inventory, buying medical supplies, 2020, resolutions, windows
Five To Save | One Year After We Warned You ... Did You Listen?
Last fall we followed up on five topics that constantly come up in healthcare's supply chain. Now we're following up on that follow-up.
Continue ReadingTopics: selling medical inventory, supply chain management, medical supply, five to save, ups, improvements, digital supply management, disruption, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory, shipping
Five To Save | Why Does Everyone Want To Clean Up Healthcare?
It seems like everyone has a miracle fix for US hospitals. Can hospitals not help themselves?
Topics: selling medical inventory, supply chain management, amazon, medical supply, ups, improvements, digital supply management, disruption, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory, shipping
Five To Save | So You Made A Mistake
You had an accident. You made a boo boo. You done goofed. So what're you going to do about it?
Continue ReadingTopics: selling medical inventory, supply chain management, medical supply, five to save, improvements, digital supply management, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory, failure, value based care
5 Blogs That Will Ensure Your Supply Chain Success
You’re a hardworking professional. You don’t have time to be scrolling LinkedIn just in case something useful or educational might show up.
Continue ReadingTopics: selling medical inventory, healthcare, reallocation, supply chain management, inventory management software, medical supply, savings, improvements, digital supply management, excess inventory, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory
5 Qualifications Of An Employee Who Will Actually Work
You want your organization to be successful. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be spending time reading blogs about improving your industry. Y’know, like this blog. (Please keep reading this blog.)
Continue ReadingTopics: selling medical inventory, supply chain management, medical supply, savings, innovation, improvements, digital supply management, excess inventory, disruption, cybersecurity, hiring, employment, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory
We're All Up In AHRMMs
After conquering HFMA, we're rounding out the summer of healthcare shows at AHRMM18 in Chicago. This is the conference dedicated to "Advancing the Healthcare Supply Chain." And that's where we beat the competition with one AHRMM behind our back.
Continue ReadingTopics: selling medical inventory, selling medical supplies, supply chain management, medical supply, savings, conferences, trade shows, improvements, digital supply management, excess inventory, ahrmm18, buying medical inventory, travel