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Z5 Inventory Blog

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The Z5 Inventory blog is brought to you by the geniuses behind Z5 Count,Z5 Analytics and Z5 Optimization services, which saves hospitals money at every step of your inventory's lifecycle.
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Is The Healthcare Industry Recession-Proof? | Five To Save


Is your supply chain stable? Are healthcare providers immune to Betteridge's Law? These and other questions answered by this blog (and your common sense).

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Topics: supply chain management, amazon, five to save, disruption, survey data, hiring, healthcare inventory, supplier relationships, pandemic, medical supply chain jobs, inventory management, medical supply procurement, medical and surgical supplies, medical devices, healthcare industry salaries, supply chain industry salaries, benefits, healthcare professionals, supply chain visibility, savings goals, use cases

Whiplash In Policy And Procurement Wears Healthcare Pros Out | Five To Save


The news changing constantly isn't anything - if you'll pardon the phrase - new. But that's a big part of what's contributed to healthcare worker burnout in the last couple of years. How do we fight that?

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Topics: selling medical inventory, supply chain management, five to save, disruption, healthcare inventory, drug shortages, government, buying medical supplies, coronavirus, covid-19, pandemic, hospital logistics, medical supply chain tracking software, medical supply chain jobs, masks, medical supply procurement, loss and expiration avoidance, pharmacy inventory

Supply Chain Means There's No Such Thing As Isolation | Five To Save


You don't have to be a supply chain expert to understand that nothing happens in a vacuum. The COVID-19 pandemic has helped make that increasingly clear to everyone.

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Topics: selling medical inventory, reallocation, supply chain management, five to save, disruption, cybersecurity, healthcare inventory, buying medical supplies, shipping, coronavirus, covid-19, pandemic, ongoing optimization, loss and expiration avoidance

The Surprisingly Low Cost of Sustainability: How To Save By Being More Responsible


Making your normal medical inventory practices a little more sustainable is not only friendlier to the communities you serve, but to your budget, as well.

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Topics: selling medical inventory, savings, excess inventory, buying medical supplies, expiration, pandemic, management of hospital inventory, inventory management, sustainability, environment, secondary market, ongoing optimization

Marking To Market: The PPE Struggle No One Is Talking About


Hospitals' records of their PPE supplies are only accurate if their pricing is updated.

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Topics: selling medical supplies, inventory valuation, reallocation, buying medical inventory, healthcare supplies, healthcare logistics, price is right, expiration, hospital supply chain, coronavirus, ppe, covid-19, pandemic, mark to market, accounting

Opinion Poll Reveals Public Sentiment on Coronavirus, Normalcy | Five To Save


America! Has opinions! How will changing opinions about the state of public health affect the people who provide that health?

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Topics: selling medical inventory, reallocation, supply chain management, five to save, digital supply management, survey data, politics, buying medical supplies, coronavirus, ppe, covid-19, pandemic, polls

How Government Investment Is Supporting Healthcare Industry Recovery | Five To Save


As the pandemic drags on, part of what's helping turn the corner for communities and the healthcare providers who serve them is the additional resources - often including cash - provided by their governments.

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Topics: selling medical inventory, newsletter, reallocation, five to save, digital supply management, investments, government, buying medical supplies, coronavirus, ppe, covid-19, pandemic, medical supply chain tracking software, service system for hospital inventory, manufacturing, canada

Masks, Vaccines, and Remote Work: Who Needs Them? | Five To Save


Vaccination rates are going down. Testing rates are going down. Are the pandemic case numbers doing the same?

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Topics: selling medical inventory, newsletter, supply chain management, five to save, digital supply management, healthcare inventory, buying medical supplies, hospital supply chain, coronavirus, covid-19, pandemic, vaccines, service system for hospital inventory, inventory management system, masks, cdc

What Will Make People Take The Pandemic Seriously? | Five To Save


The numbers are in, and they're abysmal.

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Topics: newsletter, supply chain management, five to save, healthcare inventory, healthcare logistics, coronavirus, covid-19, pandemic, healthcare supply chain, medical supply chain tracking software, service system for hospital inventory, inventory management system, management of hospital inventory

Hope For A Vaccine, But Innovate Like There Isn't One | Five To Save


At the risk of sounding like we're wearing a puffy shirt, we've got to ask: "What's the deal with that coronavirus vaccine?"

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Topics: selling medical inventory, five to save, healthcare inventory, voting, medical logistics, government, buying medical supplies, hospital supply chain, emergency preparedness, coronavirus, covid-19, take 5, pandemic, vaccines, uncertainty