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Z5 Inventory Blog

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The Z5 Inventory blog is brought to you by the geniuses behind Z5 Count,Z5 Analytics and Z5 Optimization services, which saves hospitals money at every step of your inventory's lifecycle.
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Effective Healthcare Organizations Require Effective Boards | Five To Save


Everybody reports to somebody. But healthcare providers tend to have a skewed view on how top-down decision-making should be.

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Topics: reallocation, five to save, disruption, hiring, equality, healthcare inventory, shortages, government, coronavirus, covid-19, healthcare supply chain, medical supply chain jobs, jobs, medical inventory, healthcare industry salaries, supply chain industry salaries, business advice, benefits, governing boards

Labor in Healthcare's Supply Chain: A Guide to Improving Your Circumstances


Working in healthcare is often threatening to the physical, mental, and financial health of its very workers.

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Topics: hiring, healthcare inventory, shortages, labor, coronavirus, covid-19, hospital logistics, medical supply chain jobs, inventory optimization, jobs, medical supply procurement, healthcare industry salaries, supply chain industry salaries, benefits, supply chain resiliency, supply chain innovation

Mental Health Of Healthcare Workers Similar To Soldiers | Five To Save


The constant assaults on your mental and physical health probably aren't going to slow down anytime soon. But, hey, will free burritos help?

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Topics: newsletter, supply chain management, inventory management software, five to save, survey data, hiring, healthcare inventory, super heroes, coronavirus, covid-19, mental health, hospital logistics, medical supply chain jobs, jobs, healthcare workers, employee retention, benefits

More Than Assets and Liabilities: How To Rebalance Healthcare's Supply Chain, Part 2


What if you looked into a box, expecting to find a housecat, but you find a bobcat? It sounds insane, but we promise that somehow helps explain healthcare inventory optimization.

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Topics: reallocation, Z5 Reallocate, supply chain management, healthcare inventory, ppe, hospital logistics, contracting, medical supply chain tracking software, medical supply chain jobs, materials management, inventory optimization, jobs, ongoing optimization, schrödinger's cat, rebalancing inventory, catheters

Cases Are Up. Staffing Is Down. Are We Due For More Healthcare Delivery Interruptions? | Five To Save


Public health issues are always tricky to tackle, because the people who are supposed to be tackling them are just as likely to be affected as they people they're trying to keep healthy.

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Topics: five to save, hiring, healthcare inventory, shipping, hospital supply chain, coronavirus, covid-19, vaccines, medical supply chain jobs, service system for hospital inventory, inventory management system, masks, perpetual, jobs, healthcare workers