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Z5 Inventory Blog

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The Z5 Inventory blog is brought to you by the geniuses behind Z5 Count,Z5 Analytics and Z5 Optimization services, which saves hospitals money at every step of your inventory's lifecycle.
Find out how to solve healthcare's $5 Billion inventory waste problem today. Then get back to reading what we have for you from healthcare industry.


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Suppliers On Life Support: How To Rebalance Healthcare's Supply Chain, Part 3


The pandemic impacted you as a healthcare provider almost as much as the communities where you’re providing care.

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Topics: selling medical inventory, selling medical supplies, reallocation, supply chain management, savings, digital supply management, excess inventory, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory, buying medical supplies, inventory optimization, secondary market, ongoing optimization, loss and expiration avoidance, healthcare industry salaries, supply chain industry salaries, schrödinger's cat, rebalancing inventory, resellers, ecommerce

Diversity The Key To Surviving Supply Chain Crisis | Five To Save


90% of industry leaders are aligned on their top supply chain challenges and the best means of overcoming them.

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Topics: selling medical supplies, supply chain management, charity, disruption, buying medical inventory, healthcare logistics, hospital supply chain, coronavirus, covid-19, medical supply chain tracking software, results, diversity, polls, sustainability, loss and expiration avoidance, climate change, risk analysis, resilience

Marking To Market: The PPE Struggle No One Is Talking About


Hospitals' records of their PPE supplies are only accurate if their pricing is updated.

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Topics: selling medical supplies, inventory valuation, reallocation, buying medical inventory, healthcare supplies, healthcare logistics, price is right, expiration, hospital supply chain, coronavirus, ppe, covid-19, pandemic, mark to market, accounting

Healthcare Industry Waste Estimates Are Off By Billions


Industry estimates put the amount of perfectly good medical product wasted every year around $15 Million. We think they're wrong by about $4.85 Billion.

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Topics: selling medical supplies, reallocation, inventory management software, excess inventory, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory, waste reduction, hospital supply chain, donations, case study, management of hospital inventory

How Will A New Administration Change How You Administer Healthcare? | Five To Save


The United States is probably about to get a new President. That will probably impact your day-to-day very little.

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Topics: selling medical supplies, supply chain management, inventory management software, five to save, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory, coronavirus, ppe, covid-19, vaccines, healthcare supply chain, medical supply chain tracking software, service system for hospital inventory, management of hospital inventory

How To Learn the Tech Skills Supply Chain Managers Need


We get that the struggle right now is just to keep your head above water. But that can easily turn into treading water.

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Topics: technology, selling medical supplies, reallocation, digital supply management, artificial intelligence, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory, machine learning, take 5, career advice

Your Vendors Need To Be Prepared For Your Protocols


Whether it's bringing their own masks or knowing where they're free to go within the facility, any hospital partner needs to be prepared before they walk through the door.

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Topics: selling medical supplies, reallocation, supply chain management, digital supply management, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory, medical logistics, coronavirus, covid-19, take 5, vendors

FEMA Doesn't Know How Much PPE It Has. Do You?


(We're asking if you know your PPE quantities, not FEMA's. Although, if you could help them, we're sure they'd appreciate it.)

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Topics: selling medical supplies, reallocation, digital supply management, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory, hospital supply chain, donations, emergency preparedness, coronavirus, ppe, covid-19, texas supply chain strike force

Do You Know Where Your PPE Product Is?


To help hospitals combat COVID-19, we're offering our software for free for three months to monitor personal protective equipment levels. To any hospital. To as many hospitals as need it.

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Topics: selling medical inventory, supply chain management, medical supply, digital supply management, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory, natural disasters, emergency preparedness, coronavirus, ppe

We're Celebrating Hospital Savings By Donating To Charity


To celebrate our fifth anniversary, we're challenging hospitals to save $50 Million. And if they do, we'll donate $50,000 to charity.

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Topics: selling medical inventory, Z5 Reallocate, supply chain management, medical supply, savings, charity, digital supply management, excess inventory, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory, donating medical supplies, 50 For 50