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Z5 Inventory Blog

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The Z5 Inventory blog is brought to you by the geniuses behind Z5 Count,Z5 Analytics and Z5 Optimization services, which saves hospitals money at every step of your inventory's lifecycle.
Find out how to solve healthcare's $5 Billion inventory waste problem today. Then get back to reading what we have for you from healthcare industry.


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Do You Know Where Your PPE Product Is?


To help hospitals combat COVID-19, we're offering our software for free for three months to monitor personal protective equipment levels. To any hospital. To as many hospitals as need it.

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Topics: selling medical inventory, supply chain management, medical supply, digital supply management, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory, natural disasters, emergency preparedness, coronavirus, ppe

Five To Save | Let's Talk Emergency Preparedness (Again)


Just because something is larger-than-life doesn't mean there's nothing you can do.

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Topics: selling medical inventory, supply chain management, medical supply, five to save, digital supply management, healthcare inventory, natural disasters, buying medical supplies, emergency preparedness, coronavirus

We're Celebrating Hospital Savings By Donating To Charity


To celebrate our fifth anniversary, we're challenging hospitals to save $50 Million. And if they do, we'll donate $50,000 to charity.

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Topics: selling medical inventory, Z5 Reallocate, supply chain management, medical supply, savings, charity, digital supply management, excess inventory, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory, donating medical supplies, 50 For 50

Five To Save | Can You Throw Away Five Days A Year?


You probably couldn't afford to get one day behind, let alone five. Because you've got enough going on at work to distract you.

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Topics: selling medical supplies, supply chain management, medical supply, five to save, digital supply management, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory, hospital supply chain

Why Did You Start Working in Healthcare?


You could be involved in the supply chain of any industry. So why healthcare? 

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Topics: selling medical inventory, supply chain management, medical supply, improvements, digital supply management, survey data, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory

Five To Save | New Year, New Resolutions for Healthcare's Supply Chain


Don't let anyone else tell you what's coming in 2020. You decide.

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Topics: selling medical inventory, supply chain management, medical supply, five to save, digital supply management, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory, new year, year of the pig, buying medical supplies, resolutions

Are These The Most Expired Medical Supplies In America?


Welcome to the first-ever Most Expired Awards, where we honor the products that have been sitting on hospital shelves the longest.

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Topics: selling medical inventory, supply chain management, medical supply, digital supply management, healthcare inventory, buying medical supplies, expiration, awards, carrying cost, patient safety

Five To Save | What We Expect From 2020 (And What We Want)


We were surprised by what experts claimed won't change in the new year.

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Topics: selling medical inventory, supply chain management, medical supply, five to save, digital supply management, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory, new year, 2020

5 By 5: Cyber Insurance Saves Millions


This is Part 3 of our series 5 By 5, which examines all the ways that data informs us about healthcare and some of the ways it hinders us. 

In this edition, we're looking at the high cost of healthcare's outdated technology.

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Topics: selling medical inventory, supply chain, supply chain management, medical supply, digital supply management, survey data, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory, healthcare data, patient data, 5 by 5

Five To Save | What Would You Do With $12 Million?


(We'd buy a pig pen made of diamonds. It wouldn't feel good, but it would feel fancy.)

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Topics: selling medical inventory, supply chain management, medical supply, five to save, digital supply management, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory, google, healthcare data, patient data, ascension, excel