What happens when the biggest player in a league decides to play a different sport altogether?
Continue ReadingFive To Save | The All-Stars Are Playing In A New League | May 14, 2018
Topics: technology, selling medical inventory, buying inventory, healthcare, supply chain, inventory, newsletter, supply chain management, amazon, holidays, microsoft, mergers, medical supply, five to save, digital supply management, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory
Five To Save | Comparing Apples And... Tomatoes? | Apr. 30, 2018
Topics: technology, selling medical inventory, buying inventory, healthcare, supply chain, inventory, newsletter, iOS, supply chain management, tomatoes, rfid, benchmarking, amazon, medical supply, five to save, digital supply management, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory
Five To Save | Shifting The Human Focus | Apr. 16, 2018
It's easy - in a field dominated by endless spreadsheets of sterile equipment used in impersonal procedures - to lose sight of what healthcare is all about. People. We could all be doing what we do in any industry, if it weren't for that all-important human factor. Sometimes we forget to care.
So here are a couple of items that we ran across recently that reminded us.
Continue ReadingTopics: technology, selling medical inventory, buying inventory, healthcare, supply chain, inventory, newsletter, forbes, iOS, womens health, money back guarantee, supply chain management, medical supply, five to save, digital supply management, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory
How Are You Going To Meet Your Annual Financial Savings Goal?
Every year hospitals and hospital staff go through the annual budget process. Departments submit projections for their needs, projects are prioritized and re-prioritized, meetings are held to discuss the merits of each, and at the end of the process, funds get allocated.
Wouldn’t it be great if it were that easy?
Continue ReadingTopics: physical inventory count, selling medical inventory, buying inventory, selling medical supplies, supply chain management, medical supply, digital supply management, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory
Inventory Counts Are Fun! Don’t You Agree?
You live in a world filled with boxes, packages, bins, shelves, storage rooms, items out of order, manufacturer name changes, and did I mention the unreadable labels?
Continue ReadingTopics: physical inventory count, selling medical inventory, buying inventory, supply chain management, medical supply, digital supply management, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory
5 Myths That Lead to Poor Inventory Management
Topics: physical inventory count, selling medical inventory, buying inventory, selling medical supplies, supply chain management, medical supply, digital supply management, healthcare inventory, buying medical inventory