What happens when the biggest player in a league decides to play a different sport altogether?
As anyone who's seen even a shaky, filmed-off-the-TV version of Space Jam can attest, Michael Jordan wasn't exactly the greatest baseball player of all time. But how could that be, if he was so good at basketball - literally over his opponents' heads - that he was heralded by some as the greatest athlete of all time? Surely if he was that good at one sport, he must be able to play any sport well.
Or is it possibly true that being good at one thing doesn't automatically make you good at all things? In an atmosphere of megamergers and outside titans of industry entering the field - then backing off - could that metaphor possibly apply to people in healthcare like us?
- Forbes provided a nice overview of the changes coming at healthcare from every side.
- Following in the footsteps of Amazon and Apple, it looks like Microsoft and Adobe are partnering on a healthcare venture.
- But the merger that's going to affect you most directly is the one forming a global healthcare supply chain.
- You've probably worked with Owens & Minor. Get ready to work with their latest, gigantic acquisition.
- Feeling like you need to change the way you do things? First ask yourself if your company - and you - have the qualities it takes to jump into an update.
GOOD NEWS BONUS: Monday, May 21st was just declared Supply Chain Professionals Day! Yippee!
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Headline photo by Z5.