2021 probably hasn't turned out to be quite the year we all hoped it would, but you're probably thankful for the successes you were able to squeeze out of it - just like we are!
Continue ReadingZ5 Partner Hospital Successes & Other Things To Be Thankful For
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'Back To Normal' VS 'New Normal': Where Supply Chain Is Headed | Five To Save
Is 2022 going to look more like 2019 or 2020? As usual, we're here to ask a silly question and provide some serious answers.
Continue ReadingTopics: selling medical inventory, newsletter, reallocation, supply chain management, savings, five to save, lowering healthcare costs, free advice, healthcare logistics, buying medical supplies, 2020, hospital supply chain, healthcare supply chain, materials management, 2021, risk management, loss and expiration avoidance, risk analysis, risk assessment, gartner