We could see a massive drop-off in COVID-19 cases by July as long as there isn't a massive drop-off in the pace of vaccinations.
So although vaccine hesitancy is going down all the time, how can the vaccine-positive help that process along (or at least not make the hesitant outright resistant)?
Do you feel more hopeful, more healthy, and more free to go where you want and do what you've been putting off for months? Great! Sharing that feeling might just help other people feel the same way.
- The best way to promote vaccination is to post positively about it. Highlighting hesitancy actually increases people's likelihood to be hesitant, while talking about positive experiences and outcomes gets people more on board, including bragging on which brand's gang they belong to.
- While it may be important to call out myths like vaccine shedding when encountering them in the wild, it doesn't help anybody to make fun of people who believe in this sort of pseudoscience. The good news about discussing side effects is that they are occasionally uncomfortable but almost universally brief.
- All of which will hopefully contribute to a sharp decline in COVID-19 cases by mid-summer. As things begin to go back to normal, providers will need a huge uptick in blood donations to meet demand - from those at every stage of the vaccination process.
- So that means we're at the point where we're not wholly focused on managing pandemic needs, and we can shift focus to improving, rather than surviving. We can use tech like AI to optimize the supply chain.
- And more providers and suppliers are doing just that. After determining how much of their on-hand inventory they will use, the forward-thinking supply chain pro is redistributing their excess, like those who are shipping PPE to India and other outbreak hotspots.
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