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Coloring Outside The Lines During A Crisis | Five To Save

The Z5 Piggy Bank has become a coloring book with versions that look like a pumpkin, clinician, and skeleton.

In addition to the serious news of the week, we're also bringing you a goofy way to distract yourself for five minutes. What a deal!

First things first: 

Coloring Contest!!

We assume you need something dumb and fun to distract you right now, because we know we do. So here's our first ever piggy bank coloring contest. 

Turn our piggy bank mascot into a spooky monster in honor of the season or a colorful turkey in honor of the upcoming season. Or make it whatever you want.

(As you can see from our examples above, it doesn't have to be a Rembrandt. Not that Rembrandt ever did a coloring book. Although that does sound pretty great.) 

  1. Click on the picture below to download it. 
  2. Color it however you like (on your phone; on an online tool like CanvasPaint; or the old fashioned way by printing it out and applying some festive crayons to it).
  3. Then send your version (a file or scan or picture of your picture) to
  4. There's no limit to how many entries you can submit, so go crazy. Get coworkers and kids and strangers' kids involved. (Please ask the strangers' permission first.) 
  5. We'll post our winners - and give out a FABULOUS prize - next week. 

Z5 Piggy Bank Coloring

Okay, on to the "serious" stuff: this week's five articles. 

  1. As we said - and Hays Waldrop said in our podcast interviews - the biggest institutional side effect of the coronavirus crisis has been collaboration between unrelated facilities
  2. The latest (hopefully) preventive measure that's been fast-tracked for patient use has been masks, which no longer require CDC pre-approval. All the more reason that you need to trust your suppliers, as we discussed in this week's podcast episode
  3. UNICEF is stockpiling syringes for - among other things - the necessary IV doses of an eventual COVID-19 vaccine. Here's hoping they're keeping in mind that supplies like that eventually expire. 
  4. Supposedly, whenever we get a vaccine, healthcare workers and seniors will get it first, and nursing homes will supposedly get it for free
  5. Speaking of that vaccine, the most promising ones currently in development require refrigeration prior to being administered. So what do we do about the few billion people who live in places without access to refrigeration


But, really, what you should be taking the most seriously is our coloring contest. You could make the pig into a tie-dye hot dog or tartan helicopter. Just THINK of all the possibilities... 


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