We're supposed to narrow this week's news down to just five articles? Oh, boy.
You know what's going on as well as we do. But you probably haven't had the time that the analysts and pundits have had to collect the data and draw conclusions from it. So let's start there.
- Treatment of just the uninsured COVID-19 patients will likely exceed $40 Billion, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. Which means that hospitals are in desperate need of the $30 Billion in relief to be distributed this week. But is distributing it according to Medicare revenue the best way? Hospitals (probably including yours) say no.
- The financial impact on hospitals is already devastating. Between the time it was originally published and now, Beckers had to update the number of hospitals furloughing employees from 49 to 105. (The number may have risen by the time you're reading this.)
- No doubt the coronavirus pandemic will change distribution strategies - in healthcare and beyond. Diversifying the supply chain (and shifting away from China- and low-cost-first sourcing) is already a must.
- And the disruption has brought out, of course, fake suppliers who are bilking hospitals with their attempted sales of masks that do not exist. You have to be more careful than ever that your suppliers are legitimate, even as you're scrambling to find suppliers in the first place.
- But it's not all bad news. Z5 made the news for our collaboration with Miracle Foundation, which brought COVID-19 relief to vulnerable children who are too often overlooked.
You can still sign up to count your PPE for free using our software. If you think you might maybe need it even a little, please do.
And you can still sign up for our blog newsletter in time to receive one bonus article. As if you didn't get enough bonus articles already. Then again, if we can't be charitable now, then when?
Stay safe out there. And thanks for doing all that you're doing. Let us know how we can help.